
Baby Leopard Tortoise

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  1. Excited to raise this little guy

    Posted by Eric on 1st Jul 2023

    Tort came perfectly healthy and on time. He was up and about right after getting him out of his little box. He was running around trying to graze and soaking up the sun. He walks tall and moves quick. Thank you very much for this great little tort.

  2. Fantabulas

    Posted by RichyRich on 22nd Apr 2023

    I received these two lil ones and I gotta say what a gr8 looking pair, right out of the box active and eating. So I have had them a few days and wow just a couple of funny active lil torts so cute and fearless. Well I did my research and so very happy I got them from Tyler, Thank you and you will hear from me again.

  3. Fantastic baby leopard tortoise

    Posted by Victoria N. on 28th Jan 2022

    We received a beautiful baby leopard tortoise. As soon as we opened the box he (we refer to it as a he even though we do not know the sex yet) immediately came out active and running around his new terrarium. He is friendly and not skittish at all. He is eating well and doing great. We are already in love. He is the most adorable little guy I have ever seen. We could not be happier and would not hesitate to purchase another baby.

  4. Arrived safe and sound

    Posted by Samara Gagne on 18th May 2021

    Very happy with my little Leo. I've ordered twice and have zero complaints. Thank you guys!


    Posted by Joseph Villareal on 12th May 2021

    We received our new leopard tortoise and it looks amazing. She started eating right away and is really active. I'd definitely recommend them. Tyler also answered all our questions and was really helpful.

  6. Best leopard tortoise

    Posted by Amr Omar on 12th Apr 2019

    Leopard tortoise arrived warm and started eating right away. He’s active and loves digging in his substrate when going to bed. I definitely recommed anyone who’s interested in buying a tortoise to get it from this website. Tyler responded rather quick with any questions or concerns that I had and overall I have had nothing but a good experience with everything from receiving the tortoise to the customer service and quick responses. Thank you Tyler for everything!


    Posted by L. Amanda Barnum on 23rd Sep 2017

    arrived extremely well & adjusting perfectly! our son's are thrilled beyond words! (& us parents are too!)
    thanks again so very much!
    Amanda & Chris Barnum
    South Carolina

  8. Couldn't be happier!

    Posted by Keeley Adams on 4th Aug 2017

    Tyler and Sarah deserve so much more than the five stars provided for the ratings. Back in 2010 I ordered a tortoise from these guys and I was so impressed with their service. This time around was no different. I had a number of questions and although some may have been tedious, they took the time to make sure my questions were answered in a way I understood. I ordered two leopard tortoise's at the beginning of this week and am already so in love with them and their different personalities. Great products and absolutely beautiful and perfect little tort babies. 110% happy with their service!! Thanks again so, so much.

  9. skittles

    Posted by Maddi on 6th May 2013

    I got my baby leopard tortoise about 4 days ago and arrived warm and awake. He immediately started eating and got used to her new home. She walks very fast and loves to explore. She looks very healthy and is the most sweetest thing ever. Thank You, Tyler and Sarah so much for this baby leopard tortoise!!!!!

  10. Great!

    Posted by Beth on 23rd Feb 2013

    Just received my baby leopard tort this morning! He's doing great, woke up right away and drank some water while he soaked. Then explored his new home and had some food! Thanks a bunch! He's absolutely adorable :)

  11. Baby Harley is here!

    Posted by Keith & Amanda on 27th Dec 2012

    Just received our amazing baby Leopard this morning. He(?) was packed very well and arrived bright and early. Woke up right away and began drinking and walking around! Also has a very healthy appetite, even ate a few nibbles from our hands, and has been enjoying the day exploring the new surroundings! Great for our first tortoise, planning to buy more from here in the future!

  12. Great Leopards!

    Posted by Patty in CT on 3rd Dec 2012

    I have just ordered my 12th tortoise from tortoise supply and it is just as exciting as when I ordered my first little,guy(or girl). Wen you order from Sarah and Tyler, you get all your questions answered and their level of competence is amazing. If you want a healthy, active tortoise, this is,the place to get them!

  13. Bing Crosby Arrived in Great Shape!

    Posted by Marcy on 29th Nov 2012

    Thanks so much for the great little Leopard I received today thru FedEx. "He" was packed so good. The heat pack was still plenty warm. As soon as I got him out, he was active. I have given him a good soak and after he ran around for quite sometime, he's settled in and resting. I requested one that had darker coloring and this little guy sure fits the bill. I'd definitely order from you guys again. Thanks so much!

  14. My Baby Agape =]

    Posted by DrewsLife727 on 1st Sep 2012

    I received my baby Leopard in excellent condition! She was asleep in the little box and a little soaking in warm water did the trick. The tort was not to active the first two days but now Agape is a curious, aventrous, devour of worlds! Love the service and I fully recommend Tortoise Supply to anyone who wants to get a new tort =] I just ordered a baby yellow foot and I'm excited to add it to my tort family =] It will be in a separate enclosure of course =]

  15. Baby Raj

    Posted by Taelor M. on 21st May 2012

    We bought our 3rd baby from Tyler he is doing great we have had him for a few weeks now. Tortoise Supply is the ONLY place that I recommend when people ask about tortoises! Thanks again!

Showing reviews 1-15 of 25 | Next


Common Name: Leopard Tortoise
Scientific Name: Stigmochelys Pardalis Babcocki
Current Size: 2"+
Average Adult Size: 10-16" (females larger)
Area of Origin: East Africa

Description: Sandy yellow color with variable black splashes throughout the shell. These tend to be a high domed tortoise, with males normally a bit more elongated and narrow than the rounder, wide females.

Habitat: Hot, dry climates. This is one of the few tortoises that really struggles in high humidity areas (they can handle moderate humidity). They do not hibernate, but will go through a winter slow down period during cooler weather and shortened daylengths. As adults, they can safely handle body temperatures as low as 50 degrees at night as long as they are able to heat up into the 70's during the day. Summer highs up to 120 degrees can be tolerated as long as there is a cooler, shaded retreat the tortoise can get into. Dampness is not a problem in high temperatures (a cool mud hole on a hot day), but in cooler weather the tortoises should be kept dry. As babies, these tortoises spend almost all their time in washes and underground in burrows, giving them a much more humid and moist environment than you picture the desert to be. 

Diet: This tortoise is naturally a grazer, and will wander about nibbling on grass the majority of its natural life. In captivity, leopard tortoises will graze on grasses, as well as leafy weeds and clover (dandelions are a favorite). As babies, we focus more on feeding them a wide mix of leafy greens (spring mix), since they have a harder time eating the more tough grass. Vegetables can be added to the diet for variety, but fruit should generally be avoided.

Adult Behavior: Adult leopard tortoises are peaceful, slow moving tortoises. They are un-aggressive towards eachother in most cases, and do little damage to their environment (little or no digging or burrowing). Some individuals can be skittish if spooked, but most will eagerly come to their keepers looking for food once they are comfortable in their environments. They are not very good climbers and make little attempt to escape, so a short, basic wall will contain most leopard tortoises.

Our Current Care:  During cooler weather or indoors, these tortoises are kept indoors on a cypress and/or coco coir substrate with a humid hidebox that they can get into at night. We raise them in cheap, simple plastic tubs that can be purchased at WalMart or Target, generally 3 to 4 square feet in size for babies. Temperatures in the room fluctuate between 75 at night up to 85 during the day, but we keep the hidebox heated to around 80-85 at night with a heat pad beind it, or a red bulb placed overhead.

Diet consists of spring mix greens with many other leafy greens offered in rotation to that (mulberry, endive, grape leaves, hibiscus leaves, diced cactus pad and we use globe mallow leaves pretty regularly). We like to also add moistened Mazuri LS tortoise diet as well as ZooMed's Gourmet Tortoise Food a few times a week, usually mixed and mashed into the leafy greens. The addition of the commercial diets take care of most or all of the supplementation needs, or you can sprinkle the food lightly with a calcium supplement 2 or 3 times a week and a multivitamin supplement 1-2 times a week. We also throw a pinch of our herbal hay on top of whatever they are eating almost daily, which adds variety and flavor and scent to everything.

The tortoises are removed from their enclosure and soaked in a separate 1/4" deep pan of warm water daily or almost daily for 30 minutes each time. We don't generally use water dishes in the enclosures because of the risk of drowning (yes, we have lost babies to drowning when they flipped over in 1/4" of water).

Being a desert species, they should have intense lighting, and they need lights on during the day and off at night to maintain a normal day/night cycle. We use full spectrum UVB lights, which we suggest for the growth of pretty, healthy tortoises, and use a ZooMed Powersun bulb in a small part of the enclosure to give them a "hot spot" around 95-100 degrees that they can get into if they want to warm up.

We don't use the "closed chamber" method (keeping airflow very restricted to increase humidity to the point that clouds form in the enclosure). It is very risky if/when temperatures get below about 80, and mold, shell rot, and respiratory problems become a lot more common in those conditions. We keep them open top in the warm area, and enclosed, warm and humid within the hide (like they would be in the wild). They are free to choose the conditions, temperatures, and humidity levels they want within that setup.