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We are often asked for a list of supplies someone would need to keep a tortoise. We decided to finally put together this page which would give a basic outline of what is needed, generally speaking, to keep a tortoise as far as supplies goes. This particular kit is one that we have put together to get someone going on keeping a young (baby or juvenile) grassland or "desert" type tortoise. Species that would work well with this setup include: sulcatas, leopards, Russians, Greeks, hermanns, stars, pancakes, marginateds and other arid climate tortoises. This kit should ideally be ordered about a week prior to your tortoise to give you time to set it up properly prior to the tortoise getting to you.
The basic package includes the following:
ZooMed Mini Deep Dome Ceramic Light Fixture
ZooMed Small Lamp Stand (suspends light above cage)
ZooMed Powersun Mercury Vapor Bulb 80W
Small Heat Pad (ZooMed or ExoTerra Brand)
Repashy SuperVeggie Supplement
ZooMed Grassland Tortoise Food
ZooMed Tortoise Block
24qt Bag Cypress Mulch Bedding
ExoTerra Artificial Plants (3 EA)
PetTech Medium Rock Dish (2 EA)
ExoTerra Reptile Cave XL
ZooMed Thermometer and Humidity Indicator
24 Hour Basic Timer
*This kit does not include the cage itself. Since many people already have a cage or prefer to use a low cost plastic container, this kit includes everything you need but the cage. We have cage options available also as optional adds to the purchase.