
Seed Mixes

Golden Greek tortoise enjoying two of our seed mixes (this is the testudo mix and the browsing mix). 

Note: Seed mixes contain seeds that often grow at different rates and sprout at different times in various conditions. For best results with mixes, spread them lightly and allow time for the various types of seeds to grow. The initial growth of any of the mixes is often going to be just one or two types of seeds, but with time and space (reducing competition from the more dominant seeds) the others will grow in and complete the mix. We suggest planting some of any of the seeds or mixes in areas that are off limits to the tortoises so that they have a chance to become established. Planting seeds in active tortoise enclosures often doesn't allow the seeds time to grow before being eaten down.

We hired a reptile nutritionist and botanist to put together our seed mixes with the only purpose of making them the most complete mixes nutritionally for tortoises. Because of this "special formula," we do not list the ingredients that are in the mixes. You can be assured that our mixes are the best out there.